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Press Release


19th International Conference in Asia-International Union of Materials Research Societies (ICA-IUMRS 2018)
ANVAYA Resort Kuta Bali from Oct.31-Nov.2, 2018.


About the IUMRS:
The International Union of Materials Research Societies (IUMRS) is serving the Global Materials Research Community. In 1973 was first meeting of the Materials Research Society (MRS) in USA; and the foundation of the European Materials Research Society (E-MRS) in 1983, followed by analogous organizations in Asia and South America. In 1991, the several MRS-style societies joined in the formation of the International union of materials Research Societies (IURMS). Founding members are United States; Europe; China; Mexico; Taiwan; Japan; India and Australia. The new Union grew until today it supports MS&E community through several conferences, educational and young researcher forums, award program, a journal etc
The Union now has fourteen formal Adhering Bodies with new applicant under consideration. (Africa, Australia, Brazil, China, Europe, India, Indonesia, Japan, Korea, Mexico, Russia, Singapore, Taiwan, Thailand). Indonesia has been officially become the adhering body in 2017 during the General Assembly in Kyoto, Japan.


About MRS-Indonesia (MRS-INA)
Materials Research Society Indonesia (MRS-INA) has been established since 2011 by
founders from several universities and institutions. The vision is to be international and
professional organization. It is very important for Indonesia to be part of the Global
Materials Network and responsible for the education and training of young researchers in
the materials research. In 2016, during the IUMRS-General Assembly in Singapore,
Indonesia was first consider as a member. In 2017, with the support MRS-Singapore MRSINA
has applied the membership, and was accepted officially at the General Assembly in
Kyoto, Japan. As adhering body, MRS-INA is authorized to organize the ICA-IUMRS


19th International Conference in Asia-International Union of Materials Research Societies (ICA-IUMRS)

On behalf of the Materials Research Society Indonesia (MRS-INA), we are pleased to announce the 19th International Union of Materials Research Societies International Conference in Asia (IUMRS-ICA) is going to be held in Bali, Indonesia on 31st October – 2nd November 2018. The venue, Bali, is the famous island in Indonesia for international tourism destination in which some magnificent temple and outstanding panoramic scenery are located. International Conference of Materials Research Society in Asia is the annual event presented by IUMRS conjoined with the ASIAN adhering body in order to provide knowledge exchange in materials science. Authorized by IUMRS, IUMRS-ICA 2018 will be organized by MRS Indonesia and co-organized by MRS-Thailand, MRS-Singapore, MRS-Japan.

Materials are very important in our daily lives. Materials have contributed to the advancement of a number of technologies, including medicine and health, information and communication, national security and space, transportation, structural materials, arts and literature, textiles, personal hygiene, agriculture and food science and the environment. The Materials Science and Engineering is amplified by its close connections with other disciplines. These inter-disciplinary interactions between the Material sciences and other fields in the development of new materials and their applications also require close interaction and clear communication between scientists working in diverse areas. Therefore it will become necessary for scientists of all backgrounds to better understand how to undertake collaborative activities with other disciplines.

The 3days program will consist of scientific programs and also cultural and social event. The opening ceremony will begin by welcome speech from the Chair Committee, and Greeting from the President of MRS-Indonesia. Followed by the

Opening remark by the Chair of Presidential Council, Prof. Dr. Sri Adiningsih. A greeting from, Prof Soo Wohn Lee, a President IUMRS, and the Plenary lecture by General Luhut Binsar Panjaitan, the Coordinating Minister of Maritime Affairs*, about hoe important material and Technology facing the Industrial Revolution 4.0. The plenary talks will be delivered by Prof Djarot S Wisnubroto, Chairman of National Nuclear Energy Agency (Batan) Indonesia; Prof Rodrigo Martins (Portugal); Prof Thomas Proffen (USA) and Prof Jagadish (President MRS Australia). The parallel sessions will be started by the keynote speakers, chaired by international experts. The second day will be plenary sessions from President MRS Singapore, Prof.Chowdary; Prof Elfira (Portugal); Prof T Kanaya (Japan); Prof Evvy Kartini (President MRS Indonesia); and the industry, Dr Kim Jong Yeon (Taos, Korea). The next plenary will be delivered by Dr Jamie Schultz, director ACNS ANSTO, Prof Horng from Industrial Technology Research Laboratory (ITRL), Taiwan and Prof. Masamoto (Titech Japan).

The Banquet with the traditional dance will be taken place at SANDS Beach Restaurant ANVAYA, followed by Award Ceremony for young material researchers.

The last day, will be held jointly with Udayana University. Opening by the Dean, and greeting from IUMRS President, followed by plenary lectures from Prof Brendan Kennedy (President of Asian Oceania Neutron Scattering Societies); Prof. Matteo Leoni, Director CDD Italy/USA; Prof Stefan Adams (NUS Singapore) and Special lecture from the Chief Editor of Progress in Natural Materials Science (PNMS/Q1), Prof.Y F.Han. How to get publish in this prestigious journal.

The afternoon program will be excursion to visit by Garuda Wisnu Kencana (GWK) and to see a beautiful Sunset at Uluwatu, with the traditional KECAK DANCE. We hope these three days event will give you not only full of knowledge, but also very beautiful memories. We cordially invite you to join this spectacular International Event, and be part of the international communities. Present your excellent works in front of international experts.

They will recognize you….let’s open the international networking..

Sincerely Yours,


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